Thursday, March 10, 2011

When you're a homeschooled kindergartener...

...and you have two older siblings, your education is rather...ahem...eclectic.  You might not have anyone working too diligently to teach you to read, but luckily, you pick up many other interesting things along the way.  (And, hopefully, will probably learn to read fluently one day too.)

For instance, you might be a 5 year old history buff.  You might be able to recite the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, tell riveting stories about Peter Stuyvesant, and detail the decline of George Washington's teeth.  You might even set up an elaborate scene of Minutemen versus the British.

Or, you might have other random skills, like being able to list all the helping verbs, recite a list of prepositions, or chant the present tense verb endings in Latin. 

If you had two siblings, you'd be able to divide just about any number in three equal long as you're counting cookies or sticks of gum.

And, if you are Griffin, you'd be a budding inventor, always trying to devise the newest and most creative weaponry.  Your mom might even find you amassing materials to make homemade dynamite.  (Maybe it's not so bad that he hasn't attained literacy's probably better that he uses the internet to play, rather than using it to complete his quest to become a super villain.)

Or, you might spend "science" time with your dad, figuring out how to make fake blood.  (How long before I needlessly rush a "bloody" child to the hospital?)


Heather Booth said...

I love it! What a great post!

mefl said...

I think Griffin knows more than I do.