Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Native American costumes

For Christmas, the kids got Native American costumes from Nonnie. They love them!

Here they are looking "fierce":


The kids got new bikes from Mom and Doug for Christmas. They love them, and Rhys is getting really good at pedaling! Griffin also likes going out and riding his trike every afternoon.


Making Christmas doorhangers

Sir Griffin

Sir Griffin with his knight's helmet and, yes Bill, the weirdest pacifier ever.

Avery's 8th birthday

Ok, so yeah, I'm a month late, but better late than never right? Avery celebrated her 8th birthday with two of her close friends. We took the girls skating on the rooftop at Whole Foods, then went to eat at Central Market, then came home for cupcakes and a sleepover. The girls stayed up until the wee hours, talking (mostly about books!) and giggling.

A pox on our house

I'm not sure what we did to deserve it, but the week after New Years, we seemed to be cursed. In a one week period, our family was plagued with a sty, 4 cases of a stomach virus, one case of the ickies (not the full-fledged virus, thank goodness), and one UTI. It was one looooong week, and our DVD player sure got a workout. I'm happy to say that everyone is now fully recovered, and hopefully we've payed our dues for a while and we'll stay healthy!