Sunday, March 06, 2011

Opening weekend

We headed out bright and early this morning for the boys' first games of the season.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature had a different plan in store.  It was very cold, and soon after we got to the fields, it started to rain.  So Rhys's opening day looked more like this:

...and eventually this:

But after a few hours at home, the rain fizzled out, the clouds burned off, and the sun came out just in time for Griffin's first game.  It was still pretty cold and windy, so the boys kept warm under a blanket while waiting for the game to begin.

For the first time ever, Griffin played second base, and he managed to get one of the few outs of the game!  It was an entertaining game to watch, with the first baseman turning cartwheels and several of the infielders (including Griffin) dancing wildly to the music played on the loudspeaker. 

Big brothers watched the game closely and cheered the little guys on to victory.

Go Thunder!

1 comment:

mefl said...

These are great photos! you captured our Saturday adventure perfectly.