Today got started early for us. We normally are slow to get going, but since someone had some sort of mental glitch when she scheduled a doctor's appointment, we had to get out the door by 8:00 this morning. For Rhys, the best part of getting out of the house early is the opportunity to be the wake up call for his sister. I'm sure she appreciates the sweet, gentle way he eases her into the day.

After everyone finally was dragged out of bed, got dressed, and ate a quick breakfast, we piled into the car to head down to Dr. Bayer's office for Avery and Griffin's well checks. On busy days like today, the kids end up doing a lot of "carschooling." Avery began busily studying her for her Music Memory test, while Rhys did some reading.

Meanwhile, Griffin sang along with the opera El Grillo on the music memory cd.

I don't know why they sometimes find it hard to concentrate on their work.
So, anyway, the kids had good appointments and were deemed healthy -- healthy enough to get some booster shots. They handled it well, although Avery's arm felt pretty achy all day.

Next, we hopped back in the car to meet Bill at his office. Someone must have had yet another mental glitch when she scheduled an extra violin lesson at the same time as Griffin's first Occupational Therapy appointment. Thankfully, Bill could help out by taking Avery (and Rhys) to violin, while I took Griffin to his appointment. Afterward, we met up again to do some wandering at Costco.
At home again, the kids did what they do just about every afternoon. Rhys instantly went out to shoot some hoops, and he found intermittent opponents in Bill and Griffin.

Avery resumed her normal station up in the tree with a book.

After a little downtime (or "uptime" in Avery's case), we had dinner and Rhys and Bill left for the final activity of the day: baseball practice. Avery and Griffin snuggled on the floor and watched an episode of Avatar, while I attempted to decompress from the busy day.

I love this. A lot. I can't wait to see how the week unfolds on the blog.
Also of note - during Avery's violin lesson Rhys and I played wiffle ball -- drawing crazy looks from the violinists pulling into Blackerby. I don't think any of them expected to see an impromptu baseball field built in the back yard of the shop. (and yes we just happened to have multiple bats, gloves, a bucket of wiffle balls, and pretty much anything else required to play baseball)
I just love this post! I'm already looking forward to the rest of the week :-)
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