First things first: Shouldn't every day start with a couple of games of Sleeping Queens while Mom makes breakfast?

Next up: Time to wake sister!

(They tried a little nicer approach today, and it was much better received!)
Then: Scurrying around, getting dressed, shoes on, and taking care of chores before leaving the house.

Our first stop: Running into Randall's to get a dessert to take to a potluck Family Connections event that would be held at lunchtime. Rhys called it a "funeral for Family Connections," which, sadly, was pretty accurate.
Next: For the second year in a row, we found ourselves celebrating Earth Day at the movie theater with lots of friends. We went to see Disney's Oceans, and we had 58 homeschoolers in our group!

Unfortunately, we were sharing the theater with a school group. I say "unfortunately" because there was a serious lack of planning on the part of the theater, and we ended up waiting 40 minutes after the show time for all the students to buy popcorn and get drinks, then come in the theater to take their seats. We were pretty irritated, but the blow was definitely softened by the free passes the theater gave us!
After the movie was over, I realized that because of the delay, I'd missed the Family Connections party. My solution? To join friends and drown my woes in Mexican food.

We had a delicious lunch...and a brainstorm! Why wait to use the movie passes when we had a free afternoon today? We quickly looked up movie times and realized we could go see How to Train a Dragon in 3D right after lunch! The kids were beside themselves when they heard our plan. TWO movies in one day?! What decadence!

And, lest their brains atrophy on such a media-filled day, Avery whipped out her trusty book stash and handed out books to pass the time before the movie started.

And this picture? Well, I'm just not sure what to say about it.

After our second movie of the day, we went home and took some friends with us.

After a little downtime and a quick snack, back in the car we went. This time we were going to the Long Center, to see a friend perform in Austin Lyric Opera's Hansel and Gretel. It was great, and wow, was Raina fabulous in it!

Happy Earth Day!

I'm loving this Day in the Life series.
I agree with Bill -- what a fun series!
I think you should do A Month In The Life!!!
Only if you edit and upload all my photos every day! ;)
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