Since the only thing we had planned was an OT appointment for Rhys at noon, we weren't in a big hurry to get things going. After relaxing for a while, we eventually we did begin school work for the day. Avery and Rhys work from a list, but for Griffin we use a workbox system. All that means is that he has color-coded bins that hold his "school work." He has two blue ones that are work he does with me, two green ones that he does with Rhys, and two purple ones that he works through with Avery. Avery calls it "Preschooler Helper Squad." Griffin's work consists of things like books, art projects, games, puzzles, reading lessons, etc, and he really loves doing it.

Avery is less enthusiastic about her school work -- especially when it comes to math. She is really very good at math when she takes her time, but she doesn't really like it and is easily frustrated.

But she worked through it and ended up scoring 96% on her assignment for the day.
As I was getting into the shower, Griffin -- yes, Griffin -- received a phone call. It was from his best friend, Marten. I figured they'd talk for a couple of minutes (if that), and I was surprised to discover him still on the phone after I'd showered, dressed, and dried my hair!

At Mamar's, Rhys was nice enough to take out her trash. He's always so proud of himself when he can help out.

(Now we've come to the part of the day when I used Avery's camera. You can tell by the ever-so-attractive date that appears in the bottom right of the photos.)
Avery made dinner for us tonight. She's been taking a cooking class with some friends from an excellent cook that we know. She learned to make enchiladas, and she was very excited to make them for us. They were fabulous!

After coming for baths and showers, we piled into my bed to read a few chapters of our latest book "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole". All in all, a pretty nice day.

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