Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A night in the life :: Wednesday, cont.

So, I thought Wednesday was over about an hour ago when Avery was heading to bed and made a deal with us that in exchange for reading for an extra 30 minutes, she wouldn't come out of her room again until morning. Sure that she could never make it (she tends to come out every 2.5 seconds for various things), we readily agreed to the deal.

Bill and I were just doing last minute things around the house: starting the dishwasher, straightening the living room, letting the dogs out. Suddenly, the phone rang. Assuming it was my mom (she's the only one that calls late at night), I was surprised and very confused to see the number on the caller i.d. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Hello?
Avery: Hi.
Me, confused: Avery?
Avery: Yeah.
Me, still confused: What? are you calling me?
Avery: I have the cell phone in here.
(I had forgotten that my mom had given her an extra cell phone for emergencies just a couple of days ago.)
Me: Oh. So...why are you calling?
(Keep in mind I can hear her talking through the wall since she's in the next room.)
Avery: Because I can't come out. And you didn't notice when I stuck the note under my door.
Me: Note?

I walked over and discovered the note she'd slid under the door.

It reads:

I think you should bring some tylenol for me because my tooth hurts and my stomach too because I'm scared it's going to fall out of my scared little face.

I'm sure you'll all be relieved to know that we did, in fact, provide her with some Tylenol for her loose tooth. And while I'm sure that's not the last I'll hear from her tonight, we can all rest assured that she can find a loophole in any and every situation she finds herself in.

And, now, I will say good night.


bill said...


complete insanity.

Moxy Jane said...

*laughing, laughing, laughing*

I can totally see this happening in our home! Except the cell phone part...there's just no way I'm ready for that!

The Stewarts said...

I haven't seen her since she was tiny, but I must say I love her. hahahaha!!!! She and Kyra would get along well.

mefl said...

Thanks for the week in review. You how us stalkers love these things! I love that Rhys was reading a Babe Ruth book. Since JT started reading he is overwhelmed by all his choices that he skips around to various books without finishing. The first book he completed alone was a Roberto Clemente biography.
When do you find time to clean?

Lexy said...

I haven't cleaned or done laundry AT ALL this week! It's been a crazy one - much busier than usual. If that maid would just come give me a hand...I wish!