Griffin was just waking up when I did, but he decided he'd like to spend a little time on the PBS Kids website before breakfast.

This was a big day for Rhys, because he finished his 2nd grade math curriculum! Hooray!!
Next up, Math 3!

Meanwhile, Griffin, in his sweet yet exceptionally persistent manner, requested that his sister play a game of Sleeping Queens with him.

"Grif-fin, I said I'd play when I'm finished with my science!"
Finally, she gave in to his demands, and all three kids played.

Needless to say, no more card games were played for the time being. The older kids returned to their work, and I kept Griffin busy by having him help me clean the house.

After the movie, Griffin attempted to hypnotize me.

"You will let me play Wii right noooooooooow."
Sadly for Griffin, his technique wasn't effective. He had to settle for a game of Mille Borne with Bill. (Meanwhile, Bill and Rhys were also multitasking by watching the NFL draft on tv and on the computer.)

Well, this day is going to draw my Week in the Life project to a close. I originally planned to do a full week, but since this week has been so busy and this weekend will be even busier, I'm throwing in the towel. I'm not sure this has truly given a good glimpse into our lives, since this week has had extra appointments, music lessons, and practices. I feel like our weeks usually have a better rhythm of down time and outings. We have certainly missed that this week! We're definitely exhausted, but it's been a pretty fun week!