The biggest event of the summer that I have failed to blog about was the birth of sweet baby Noah on July 19th. He is my cousin Elisha's first baby, which makes him my first cousin once removed and the kids' second cousin. But from here on out, he'll be known as their cousin and my nephew. He's the closest Bill and I get to having a nephew, and we look forward to spoiling him as such! We've all been so excited about the addition of a new baby to the family, and he really is one of the top four babies I've ever known. ;-) His parents have adjusted beautifully and are already wonderful parents.
Here he is, just minutes old:

And with his many admirers:

And with his favorite aunt:

And now at 8 weeks!
He's awesome and Nick and Elisha are great with him. I think I heard him say that he needs Lexy to hold him again. Ok, maybe I just hear Lexy say that a few hundred times a week.
Thanks Lexy and Bill! We learned from you guys!! Yes, he would love to visit with all of the Largents soon, as do we. Do you have any other pictures of him? Please email them to me if you do :) I don't even remember anyone taking pics!
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