Today we went to Wooldridge Park downtown to see the Harry and the Potters concert. The group sings hilarious punk songs about the Harry Potter books. Oh, and Draco and the Malfoys opened for them. Our favorite songs included "Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock" and "Save Ginny Weasley (from the Basilisk)".
So I'm sure you're thinking how cute Rhys looks all dressed up for the concert. Actually, he's not dressed for the show, this is just what he wears now every.single.day. He wears the Harry Potter glasses every waking moment, and insists that I draw a scar on his head every morning. (Which is often met with tears because he isn't pleased with my artwork. Sigh.) He has been listening to the Harry Potter books on CD lately, and he's in full-fledged Harry Potter mode 24/7.

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