On Monday, we got up early and headed downtown for Rhys's 3 year checkup. Rhys did very well and was very cooperative this year (unlike last year when he refused to be weighed or measured!). He was 39 inches tall (85%) and 33 lbs (75%). He's doing great.
After his appointment, we rushed back home so we could get there in time to see the dumptruck drop off the sand for the sandbox. We made it, and I think the dumping of the sand was maybe even better than the sand itself! The kids also enjoyed climbing all over the giant sand pile in the driveway.
In the afternoon, Nonnie came over to bring Rhys a present and visit for a while. Then we went to Home Depot to get the supplies for building the sandbox. Once we got home, Daddy started building it, but it was sooooo hot that he didn't last long out there. He came in, and we ate Rhys's favorite dinner: chicken nuggets, french fries, and homemade macaroni and cheese. We sang to Rhys and had brownies for dessert. I think it was a nice birthday for him.
I never want to see sand again.
No sugary florida sand ever again?
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