Thursday, August 04, 2005

Last weekend

I'm slow to post, but we had a fun weekend! We saw the movie "Pulse", which is the story of the inspirations of the drumming group Stomp. It was at the IMAX, and I very bravely took all three kids by myself! It went much better than I expected, since Griffin fell asleep as we were waiting in line to go into the theater. He slept for all but the last five minutes of the movie. Such luck! Rhys spent the whole movie clapping and drumming on his knees and shoes along with the drummers on the screen. When the movie was over, we walked out and immediately, both Avery and Rhys started saying, "Can we see it again, Mom?? Please, please, please!" I'd say it was a hit!

On Saturday, the we went to the library's summer reading program party. It was a celebration for the participants in the program. Avery read 15 hours and Rhys had 75 books read to him in less than a month! (Don't we get some kind of reward for reading that much to Rhys?! ;-) The party was fun; Joe McDermott came to perform. We love him - he sings the funniest songs! Avery and Rhys danced and sang right along.

After the library party and a quick lunch, we met some friends at the Children's Museum. It's still the ball exhibit, so Rhys was in hog heaven. We stayed for a few hours, then went home and collapsed. It was a great weekend - but exhausting!

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