Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Griffin decided recently that he wanted to the the good ol' Mentos and Diet Coke explosion again. It had been a while since we'd done it -- and plus, and who can turn down a good explosion?!  But, in typical Griffin fashion, the simple experiment of dropping the Mentos into the Coke wasn't enough. He had all sorts of ideas for variations to try.  He wanted different sizes of bottles, different quantities of Mentos, he wanted to try a complicated folded paper delivery system to see how the dissolving paper would change the explosion, he wanted to try adding vinegar to the Diet Coke and baking soda to the Mentos to see if it would serve as an accelerant, and he wanted to try drilling holes in the Diet Coke bottle to see how the explosion would work through smaller openings.  Even though his big ideas are often messy and complicated, I just love seeing his creativity in action.


The WoodLand School said...

All that Coke! I want to lap it off your driveway!!!

Lexy said...

Ha! You know, I've had 2 Diet Cokes in the past FOUR months?!

LK Waller said...

I LOVE the last photo. Nice shot, Lex!