We wrapped up our year of studying the Middle Ages with a big party at History Co-op. The kids all came dressed as a historical figure from the medieval period. Avery, of course, came dressed as Joan of Arc (and recycled her Halloween costume), and Rhys was dressed as a Crusader.

The kids worked hard to put together presentations on different aspects of medieval history, and they all did such a great job! Rhys presented on the feudal system. He made a poster illustrating how the system worked and stood in front of the group to explain it.

Avery's presentation was on religion in the medieval period. She chose to focus on the big three: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

After all the kids finished their presentations, we had a medieval feast! We brought Russian gingerbread. We also feasted on mince-meat pie, Alfred cakes, and "ale".

One of the other families brought German
Springerle cookies. They were so beautiful...it was almost sad to eat them! (But they were very yummy!)

And we celebrated the end of the preschoolers' study of the alphabet with letter cupcakes.

After the feast (and after shedding hot costumes), we did a timeline activity. This was the activity I was in charge of, and I spent a lot of time at home fretting about how to do it. We didn't focus at all on learning dates, so I didn't want the timeline activity to be too difficult and frustrating. In the end, I decided that we'd just give it a whirl, and if it was too hard, I would help them. Well, it turns out that I didn't need to worry! I was so impressed with the kids. They worked together and used the few dates they did know to figure it out. They were able to make connections between events and cultures that I didn't imagine they'd understand. I can honestly say that the kids learned more this year than I could have hoped for.

Next up: trebuchet!

The last act was a little tournament dueling. The preschoolers dueled a la "Between the Lions" by putting words like "moat" and "queen" together.

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