I wish I could say that the trip consisted of lots of this:

But, really, there was a lot more of this:

When we left, we were on the mend from our most recent bout of colds. Sure, 4 out of the 6 travelers had nasty coughs, but everyone seemed to be improving. We had big plans for our trip, and the first day went pretty well. After an uneventful drive down, we got a quick bite to eat and went to explore the USS Lexington.

After touring the Lexington, we hit the beach. It was a bit chilly (which is to be expected, since we spent the previous day in the snow!), but we still had fun. The water was amazingly still and very peaceful.

After getting our fill of the beach, we went up to our hotel room for hot showers, room service, and the promise of a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, the only sleeping happened in the wee hours of the morning, after the all night cough-a-thon stopped.

Although morning came too soon, we were happy to start day 2 of our beach adventures. We ate a quick breakfast and headed out to the Texas State Aquarium.

During our trip to the aquarium, we noticed that the boys were coughing and sneezing more than they had been, and Griffin was feeling a little hot. So...

...we stopped a CVS to pick up some cough medicine that the doctor had called in and also a thermometer. Still, sick or not, the kids really wanted to make one more stop at the beach. It was much windier and nobody lasted long.

Night two was slightly better than night one on the coughing front, mostly thanks to the turbo sleep inducing cough medicine called in by the pediatrician. But it was less good on the fever front -- Griffin woke up in the middle of the night feeling horrible and with a raging fever. In the morning, we decided to give up on our vacation and head home. We were sorry to not get to see the Columbus replica ships (which had inspired our trip in the first place), but Griffin and Rhys were feeling very sick and needed to get home. We managed to make it to the ped's office before they closed, and hopefully they'll be well soon.
It may not have been the beach trip we'd imagined, but it certainly was a memorable one!

Oh ugh ... I'm so sorry to hear about the trip :-(
But ... ummm ... at least the photos are gorgeous!
It was actually a really good time - other than the overnights. Everyone had good attitudes and we enjoyed the sites, the food, and each other.
Then the night would come. The poor boys were just ... ... I don't know how to say it, but it was really sad to watch them until the medicine kicked in.
So sorry about the illness, glad you were able to still have some fun!
Lexy - you look so beautiful in that first photo! Great pics. Glad you're all on the mend:)
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