Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Chaos and caterpillars

With all the chaos and sadness after Doc's death, I let the ball drop in many areas of our lives. I missed doctor's appointments, failed to return calls, got incredibly behind on work, and much more. We're so lucky to have wonderful friends that have worked hard to help us back on our feet. We've had childcare whenever we need it, and our friends have brought regular meals for us for several weeks. I can't express how grateful we are. At least I know the kids have been fed and cared for!

But one little detail that I felt particularly guilty about forgetting was the shipment of caterpillars that we were due to receive a day or two after Doc's death. Obviously my thoughts were elsewhere, and almost a week passed before I remembered that we were expecting them. As soon as I realized it (well, the next morning, since it came to me at about 2am one night), I frantically drove home to rescue what I was sure would be a jar of caterpillar carcasses from the hot mailbox. I was elated to discover three live (albeit warm) caterpillars! Two didn't make it, but the fact that three did really eased my guilty conscience.

We brought them with us to Mamar's, and we were able to watch them form their chrysalids and eventually emerge! One of the three had a bit of a wing defect, but the other two emerged as beautiful and healthy Painted Ladies.

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