Today Griffin turned four! It's hard for me to believe, and I wonder if I'll ever stop thinking of him as "the baby." He will be the first to tell you that he is no baby, but I guess it's always hard for mamas to let go of that last little one.
As much as I hate that Griffin is growing up so quickly, he is just thrilled to be four. After a small birthday celebration on Saturday with Papa and Ronnie, Griffin said, "So now am I four like Marten?" When I told him that his birthday was still a few days away, he replied, "But, Mom, I already blew out my candles!"
Griffin has grown into such a fun little guy. After a couple of rocky tantrum-filled years, he is so pleasant to be around now. He's sweet, cuddly, and funny. He loves hanging around with his brother, sister, and friends. He definitely has his own ideas, and as long as we all cooperate, we get along just swimmingly! ;-)
I did a little birthday interview today, and here are his answers:
Favorite color: red and pink
Favorite food: macaroni
Favorite movie: Bolt
Favorite book: Puff the Music Dragon
Favorite song: Paralyzer
Favorite game: Lego Star Wars
Favorite thing to do: play some Wii
Favorite toy: wooden sword
Favorite place to go: Sonic
Best friend: Marten
What do you want to be when you grow up: a dog
Favorite birthday present: X wing
Favorite thing about birthday: sprinkle cupcakes with icing
He concluded the series of questions by telling me, "I'm done interviewing" and scampering off to play. Typical Griff; everything is on his own terms!
Do I notice a 'healthy' pattern?
I want to be a dog when I grow up, too... smart boy!
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