Rhys spent last week learning soccer from the pros at British soccer camp. The coaches were young men from England and Ireland, and my anglophilic children were in high heaven. I think Avery had just as much fun as Rhys did, even though she was just sitting on the sidelines. Griffin thought he was every bit as much a participant as Rhys, and he wore Rhys's old cleats and dribbled the ball back and forth on the sidelines the whole time.
Rhys got some good instruction, but mostly had a fabulous time. The coaches came up with all sorts of ways to keep the kids entertained. Friday was "Friday Fun Day" and the kids came with painted hair and/or faces. Rhys had green hair for the occasion. But every day, they got to play lots of games. (That's him in orange.)

We all got to hear hilarious, but borderline-inappropriate, stories.

Meanwhile, Bill and Griffin had time to practice their "punching".

Rhys bonded with Coach Ed.

And all the parents got involved with the games on Friday. Bill was chosen to be the Big Fat Scottish guy ("get in my bellll-ay") during the Austin Powers game.

1 comment:
I was born for the role of Fat
Scottish Guy. I've been practicing around the house for years.
don't forget to mention that I also was the parent that kicked the ball directly into Coach "Aid" (Ed)'s face. Much to the delight of the rest of the coaches (esp. Dave) - who all wanted to buy me a beer for nailing him and sending him to the ground.(at least there was no broken nose.) Ed was a great sport about it all, and was GREAT with the kids.
They really did have a great time, and with our kids love of all things British-accented it was like a dream come true.
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