Sunday, March 02, 2008

I miss my...

This is Griffin's way of saying he wants more of something. For instance, when he finished his bowl of strawberries, he says, "Mama! I miss my strawberries." Then he hands me his bowl for a refill. Now we have all adopted this phrasing, and I'm guessing it will be in our lexicon forever.

Other child-inspired phrases that we still use all the time:

This one, other one, new one, different. Or if she was feeling particularly decisive that day, just diff one. (From Avery at age 18 months, when she'd stand in her closet to pick out her clothes for the day. We use it all the time when picking anything.)

"Der" in place of "the". Example: I'm going to have der pancakes. (Courtesy of Rhys, who replaced every "the" with "der" until about a year ago.)

I love Landers!!!! (This one was adopted a couple of months ago after leaving our friends' house, and Griffin spent the 20 minute car ride screaming it at the top of his lungs. You'd be surprised how often this phrase can be thrown into our regular family conversation.)

Never do dat! (Again, courtesy of Griffin and his larger-than-life temper.)

Have it the checkcard? (Avery, at about 18 months, would ask this every time we'd leave the house. We still ask each other this as we're leaving home.)

Candy!!! (Said with utmost excitement and fists thrown into the air in a victory pose. This phrase came from Griffin's excitement and the abrupt stop of his tears when Bill attempted to ease his sorrow's with a little sugary goodness. No matter the cause of the excitement, we will often thrust up our arms and say "Candy!" if something is going our way.)

1 comment:

Avery said...

And Maya was there! I mean, a Lander was just behind his seat.
He actually only missed his "choo-choo?" and the story-telling Santa. Sorry, Landers family.