After refusing to wear several different costumes we'd selected for him, Griffin finally agreed to don the firefighter jacket, but of course, wouldn't wear the hat. Besides the costuming, Griffin really enjoyed Halloween. He was thrilled to go from house to house, always saying "Trick-or-treat" and thanking everyone that gave him candy.
The highlight of the trick-or-treat part for me was the stop where everytime Griffin said "Thank you." the woman gave him another handful of candy. So he stood there taking handful after thank-you-induced handful. Lexy had to lead him away, or he would have taken every piece she had.
Ummm... yighsaver?
NOOOO, not DAT cosume!
Chicago ride:
Candy? PEASE? Candy? Candy? Gum? Sucker?
More more?
Mama, play dat puter?
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