Saturday, June 23, 2007

Neck! Neeeeeck!

Wow. When did my baby get old enough to manipulate me? Somehow he went from barely saying anything to knowing just the right thing to say in no time at all.

Griffin has learned that just one little word yelled at the perfect volume elicits quite a response from people. Now, anytime I'm trying to stop him from doing something he wants to do (say, for instance, writhing on the floor of HEB), he simply needs to yell the word "NEEEECK!!!" at a blood curdling volume. It is especially powerful when paired with rubbing one's neck and making gagging sounds. It makes mom immediately stop whatever manhandling she's attempting to do, and it makes all adults in a 20 yard radius whirl around to witness what sounds like child abuse in action.

Similarly, he has also decided that anytime something bad happens, he should blame it on his brother. For example, yesterday he tripped and fell against the coffee table. Poor Rhys wasn't even in the room, and Griffin still shrieked, "RHYS!" at the top of his lungs. Thankfully, good-natured Rhys just laughs about it.


bill said...



(at any point - Rhys nowhere to be found - Griffin's neck untouched.)

He's a loony bin.

Avery said...

or when Rhys is oh, 50 miles away, at a friend's house, or the grocery store, Griffin at home, falls over: