At the beginning of March, we went on vacation to Colonial Williamsburg and Washington DC. We had a fabulous time! The flights went much better than we expected, and Griffin was truly on his best behavior for the whole trip.
We all loved Williamsburg, but Avery found it particularly fascinating. We bought her a colonial dress right off the bat, complete with a sash and bonnet, so she could really feel like a colonial girl. We all loved seeing all the sights, but Griffin's favorite part was seeing some horses pulling a wagon (ruff, ruff!!). We were so lucky to have such beautiful weather in Williamsburg. It was in the low 70s and sunny -- perfect for us cold weather wimps!

We were less lucky with the weather in DC. It was C-O-L-D! And it was a little longer walk from our hotel to the metro than we expected. But, still, we had a great time. (I think the highlight of the entire trip for Rhys was the many forms of public transportation -- planes, trains, cab, AND bus!) We took the Tourmobile to see all the major sites, and we spent a lot of time at the Smithsonian museums. We went to the American History Museum, Air and Space Museum, Natural History Museum, Hirshorn Art Museum, and the National Gallery. We were lucky enough to be at the National Gallery during a Cezanne exhibit! That was great.
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