Thursday, November 17, 2005

Tooth fairy

This is the note Avery left for the tooth fairy tonight (she lost her 6th tooth):

Dehr tooth fary,
Ar you a boy or a grl? Wat is yor naym? Ar thr lots of fary's? Do you knew Santa-Clos? Do you liv with him? If you liv with him I stil love you. If you answr my cwstoins I thnk you.

P.S. Wil you lhev my tooht? Tnk you.


Dear tooth fairy,
Are you a boy or a girl? What is your name? Are there lots of fairies? Do you know Santa Claus? Do you live with him? If you live with him I still love you. If you answer my questions I thank you.

P.S. Will you leave my tooth? Thank you.

1 comment:

bill said...

let's not forget there was an intricate drawing and a HIGHLY decorated baggie to go with the note.

No one expects the inquisition!!! /montypython