Monday, July 18, 2005

Busy weekend!

We don't normally have much to do on the weekends while Daddy works, but this weekend was the exception! On Friday night, Mamar came to babysit the little boys while Avery and I went to a Harry Potter book release party in Georgetown. The city had blocked off some of the square downtown, and it was transformed into "Diagon Alley", complete with a wand shop, pubs serving butterbeer, and even a sorting hat! We had a great time looking at all the fun stuff to buy and eating lots of junk food. After we saw and did everything at the square, we went to the library, where they had more Harry Potter festivities. We were out late; we didn't get home until about 10:30. Rhys stayed up late at home playing with Mamar and watching a lumberjack competition (riveting TV, I hear), so we were all tired on Saturday!

Friday was also Papa's 60th birthday! Happy birthday, Papa! We didn't see him on Friday, but on Saturday we all went over in the evening for pizza, pie, and presents. (My three favorite Ps :) On Sunday, Avery's friend Ella came to play, and the girls had a blast. Mamar came over in the late afternoon, as she often does on the weekends. She entertains the kids or holds the baby so I can get things done. It's SO nice, and I really don't know how I'd manage every weekend without her help!

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