Let's see...Avery just finished up the African drumming class she was taking. She really enjoyed it, but I'm glad that it's over! The class itself was great, but it was very hard to keep Griffin entertained for the hour that she was in the class. I would wait with the boys and the other moms and little siblings at Kerbey Lane, and it somehow always worked out to be right at Griffin's naptime! A cranky baby at a restaurant is not my favorite thing.
Homeschooling has taken a different turn, but it's going very well. We decided to go in more of a child-led direction, because I was feeling too much responsibility and a big reason for our homeschooling is that we want the kids to take charge of their own educations! So, inspired by the American Girl books, we're taking a break from medieval world history to delve into early American history. So far, it's going wonderfully! Avery is very excited to learn about it. She's been reading lots of historical fiction on the time period, then I follow up with some facts and history texts. She is very self-motivated, so I'm not sure why I ever thought I needed to play cruise-director! She's speeding through her handwriting book because I told her that once she finishes it, I'll buy her the one for cursive writing. She can't wait!
She's still a reading machine. Besides the historical fiction, she's been reading Halloween-themed books this week (Harry Potter and The Witch Family) as well as the ever-present Laura books.
Rhys is getting ready to start his big boy gymnastics class without Daddy! He's been ready skill-wise to move out of the parent and tot class for a while now, but he hasn't been emotionally ready. We're still not sure if he's emotionally ready, but we're giving it a shot! I'm a bit nervous....Rhys has spent the majority of the past few weeks outside every waking moment. He lives in the sandbox outside with Jasper. Poor Jasper, Rhys spends a lot of time pouring sand over his poor little doggy head. He's a good sport though, and I think he just really enjoys Rhys's company.
Griffin is getting sooooo close to crawling! He gets up on all fours, pushes both knees forward, then throws himself down on his tummy, propelling himself forward. It gets him across the room surprisingly fast! He also pulled up the other day all by himself! I left the room for a second, and when I returned, he was standing up holding on to the bookcase. Time to babyproof!