Avery and I have just started doing the Couch to 5K running program, with plans to run a 5K sometime this summer. This is in attempt for me to get some much needed vigorous exercise and to try to stimulate Avery, who appears to have the highest physical needs of any child ever. Anyway, I admit that I was really worried that I'd drop dead during my first running attempt, since the last time I ran was...oh, about ten years and three kids ago. I was very proud of myself that I made it through the first workout without passing out, doubling over, or vomiting. Go me! However, it was hard to be too self-congratulatory when I realized (over the sound of my panting) that Avery had not stopped jabbering away during the entire workout. And as we ran our last segment, she showed me how high she could jump in the air and how she could run by kicking her feet high in the air. I was proud of myself just for being able to keep moving my feet, and she wasn't even winded!
Is it too late to make Griffin my running partner?
Friday, April 18, 2008
This has been one crazy week, and I, for one, am exhausted! Starting with Monday's trek to the country to frolick in the fields, we have been on-the-go all week. Our activies this week included: taking Griffin for his 3 year well check (he's healthy, but thanks to some vaccinations, is now convinced that our beloved Dr. Bayer is "baaaaaaad"), picking strawberries at Sweetberry Farm in Marble Falls, exploring the dinosaur tracks in Leander, experimenting with water balloons at science co-op, visiting and sewing with Auntie Linah, attending writing class, swimming twice, and going to soccer practice. The week wound down today with Avery taking a field trip with three other friends to a flower shop, where she learned first-hand about what it takes to run a small business. Meanwhile, Rhys, Griffin, and I visited with friends at Central Market and ate lunch downtown. As if that wasn't enough, I decided that I just had to stop at Craft-o-Rama (since it was on the way home -- you know, in the opposite direction), and then we stopped at a local radio station to pick up a gift card that I won on the radio this week. Whew. Now all that's left for the week is tomorrow's soccer game and my work. I believe Sunday will be spent lounging in our pj's all day. I think we've earned it!
(Oh, and you can rest assured that there will be many pictures from this week's excitement forthcoming....)
(Oh, and you can rest assured that there will be many pictures from this week's excitement forthcoming....)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On Monday, our book club group went to rehearse their Midsummer Night's Dream performance in Coupland at a friend's ranch, where we were treated to their spectacular display of wildflowers. The kids played, rehearsed, and even danced, while the grownups soaked up the gorgeous views.
(Photos courtesy of Courtney, who, unlike me, never fails to remember her camera!)

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Oh, the injustice
Today when we arrived at swimming, Avery and her friend Maya presented Courtney and me with sealed envelopes. Apparently the girls were feeling a bit abused and chose to write persuasive essays to convince Courtney and me that they are, in fact, subjects of a horrible injustice. Maya's essay is here, and I'll copy Avery's below:
Getting Fun Drinks While We Swim-- Persuasive Essay
This essay was written partly because I want to please you guys with an essay, but also partly because it is difficult for me and Maya to watch our brothers slurping down star bucks or cherry slushes in our faces, while we ache and feel WORN OUT from our last swimming practices.
Even though we very much appreciate you letting us do swimming and our past drinks, we wish this could either stop or this would only happen about four times a month; once a week, I think, is fair.
I think that it is great there is that half-price hour and a perfect opportunity for you to get a drink, we don't like it when every time we arrive to a red-mouthed “hello!” and a “sorry, we don't have any drink left... but you can maybe get one next time!” from our brothers and a vague “hi guys... in a minute we'll go.” “Did you get us a drink? Are our brothers fooling us?”
“No, sorry. We went early...” hmmm. We really don't like that- and please don't laugh at us, or beat us up!!! We don't like working hard and being “POWWWW”ed by our mothers. Really, does anyone like that?
This essay is short because I am forgetful. This part you can laugh at. I resisted and forgot to do the essay until the last moment. But I still have several more points to make before I... XXXX go do schoolwork. Point one: If everything is half price, I bet it is about 1.50, so could you please spare a dollar for us? We'd only equal about two dollars total- [“I mean, I like to think I'm worth more than a dollar...” Direct Quote from Maya Landers-- Woodland School Times]. Point two: I think you have been generous in letting us do expensive swim team and sometimes getting us drinks, but we could even have just a quarter of our brother's drinks. We don't need one of our own. Our brothers can slurp down three quarters and still have one quarter to spare for us, and then that would be it, you wouldn't have anything involved. Thus, I think you can spare something. My third and last point to remind you from earlier on in this essay is that you can perhaps just go once a week. Even though sometimes you already do this, and that's great, maybe a bit more often.
Now you guys are allowed to spank us red, pinch us 'till we cry, chase us, or bust yourself laughing. We're not trying to sound bossy, like a parent, or mean, we just want to make a fair point*. *Notice I didn't say “for once”. I do think you let us often have a larger point than most children do, and I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE IT. SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening,
Your Daughter,
Avery, and her friend, Maya.
Our Appreciation.
Getting Fun Drinks While We Swim-- Persuasive Essay
This essay was written partly because I want to please you guys with an essay, but also partly because it is difficult for me and Maya to watch our brothers slurping down star bucks or cherry slushes in our faces, while we ache and feel WORN OUT from our last swimming practices.
Even though we very much appreciate you letting us do swimming and our past drinks, we wish this could either stop or this would only happen about four times a month; once a week, I think, is fair.
I think that it is great there is that half-price hour and a perfect opportunity for you to get a drink, we don't like it when every time we arrive to a red-mouthed “hello!” and a “sorry, we don't have any drink left... but you can maybe get one next time!” from our brothers and a vague “hi guys... in a minute we'll go.” “Did you get us a drink? Are our brothers fooling us?”
“No, sorry. We went early...” hmmm. We really don't like that- and please don't laugh at us, or beat us up!!! We don't like working hard and being “POWWWW”ed by our mothers. Really, does anyone like that?
This essay is short because I am forgetful. This part you can laugh at. I resisted and forgot to do the essay until the last moment. But I still have several more points to make before I... XXXX go do schoolwork. Point one: If everything is half price, I bet it is about 1.50, so could you please spare a dollar for us? We'd only equal about two dollars total- [“I mean, I like to think I'm worth more than a dollar...” Direct Quote from Maya Landers-- Woodland School Times]. Point two: I think you have been generous in letting us do expensive swim team and sometimes getting us drinks, but we could even have just a quarter of our brother's drinks. We don't need one of our own. Our brothers can slurp down three quarters and still have one quarter to spare for us, and then that would be it, you wouldn't have anything involved. Thus, I think you can spare something. My third and last point to remind you from earlier on in this essay is that you can perhaps just go once a week. Even though sometimes you already do this, and that's great, maybe a bit more often.
Now you guys are allowed to spank us red, pinch us 'till we cry, chase us, or bust yourself laughing. We're not trying to sound bossy, like a parent, or mean, we just want to make a fair point*. *Notice I didn't say “for once”. I do think you let us often have a larger point than most children do, and I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE IT. SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening,
Your Daughter,
Avery, and her friend, Maya.
Our Appreciation.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Dinosaur Valley
Last weekend we went with our homeschooling group for the annual camping trip. This year, about 20 families made the trip to Glen Rose, Texas to camp at Dinosaur Valley State Park. It was a beautiful park with heavily wooded campsites, a river that drew the kids like a magnet, and, of course, dinosaur tracks.
As soon as we arrived, as the adults started setting up tents, the kids started begging for a grown up to come down so they could swim. They had a blast in the river, despite the frigid water.

Griffin had help from another dad, who was smart enough to bring water-friendly shoes!

After the kids were worn out, dried off, and the campsites prepared, we started a fire for roasting hot dogs and s'mores. Yummmmmm!!

Once everyone was full, the kids felt rejuvinated enough to run around again for a couple of more hours -- this time with glow sticks. Eventually, we wrangled all the kids into the tents and settled in for the night. Unfortunately, it was a long and c-o-l-d night. It dipped down into the 30s. Brrrrrr. Our Texas camping gear couldn't keep up with it and I have to admit it was quite unpleasant. Or maybe miserable would be a better word.
After warming up at the campfire with hot coffee (thanks Marilee and Gary!), things were much improved. Most of the group headed to Fossil Rim Wildlife Park, but we decided to hang out and explore more. Two other families also stayed, so we took turns going on hikes sans children. The men went first, then the women escaped for a long, blissful hike. When we returned, we discovered that the men had spent their time with the kids building a chute in the river for the kids to go down, much like the ones at Schlitterbahn. They got very into this project, and did an amazing job.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in and out of the water, and spent the evening with hot dogs and s'mores again in front of the fire. And, after endless games of Mafia and glow stick playing, the kids went to bed and the grown ups stayed up way too late swapping stories at the campfire. The second night was infinitely better, since it was so much warmer. In the morning, after playing a bit more, we packed up camp. We stopped in the town of Glen Rose to eat with friends before making the trip back to Austin. All in all, a lovely weekend!

You can find the complete set of pictures here.
As soon as we arrived, as the adults started setting up tents, the kids started begging for a grown up to come down so they could swim. They had a blast in the river, despite the frigid water.

Griffin had help from another dad, who was smart enough to bring water-friendly shoes!

After the kids were worn out, dried off, and the campsites prepared, we started a fire for roasting hot dogs and s'mores. Yummmmmm!!

Once everyone was full, the kids felt rejuvinated enough to run around again for a couple of more hours -- this time with glow sticks. Eventually, we wrangled all the kids into the tents and settled in for the night. Unfortunately, it was a long and c-o-l-d night. It dipped down into the 30s. Brrrrrr. Our Texas camping gear couldn't keep up with it and I have to admit it was quite unpleasant. Or maybe miserable would be a better word.
After warming up at the campfire with hot coffee (thanks Marilee and Gary!), things were much improved. Most of the group headed to Fossil Rim Wildlife Park, but we decided to hang out and explore more. Two other families also stayed, so we took turns going on hikes sans children. The men went first, then the women escaped for a long, blissful hike. When we returned, we discovered that the men had spent their time with the kids building a chute in the river for the kids to go down, much like the ones at Schlitterbahn. They got very into this project, and did an amazing job.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in and out of the water, and spent the evening with hot dogs and s'mores again in front of the fire. And, after endless games of Mafia and glow stick playing, the kids went to bed and the grown ups stayed up way too late swapping stories at the campfire. The second night was infinitely better, since it was so much warmer. In the morning, after playing a bit more, we packed up camp. We stopped in the town of Glen Rose to eat with friends before making the trip back to Austin. All in all, a lovely weekend!

You can find the complete set of pictures here.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Easter '08

We had a nice, low-key Easter this year. In the morning, the kids woke up to find that the Easter bunny had left them each a note bearing their initials. Griffin had instructions leading him to a special Easter surprise hidden in the dryer (a little Automoblox car), Rhys had a treasure map that led him to his surprise (a little toy parachute) hidden in the oven, and Avery had a series of clues and riddles that started in Griffin's pocket and led her throughout the house until she discovered her gift of a long jump rope hidden in the art cabinet. After the various treasure hunts, we went outside to hunt for eggs. As always, the confetti eggs were the biggest hit, and since I kept crouching down to take pictures, I was the biggest target. I think next year the Easter bunny would be wise to not bring so many!
After a morning of gorging on Easter candy, we packed a picnic and met friends at the park for an afternoon of eating, visiting, jump roping, playing on the playground, and playing both basketball and kickball.
Yee Haw!

We also went to the rodeo this month. The petting zoo was fun, but the highlight for the kids was the carnival. So after stuffing ourselves full of junky carnival food (the food was the highlight for me), the kids took the rides. I was nauseous just watching, but it didn't seem to phase them! You can see more fun pictures from the rodeo here.
HSM on Ice

A couple of weeks ago, we went with friends to see High School Musical on Ice in San Antonio. We got a great deal on tickets through our homeschool group, so we decided to make the trek. The kids had a blast, but I left feeling just like I felt when we went to ride on Thomas the Train. I am just appalled at the level of marketing to children. I think our four kids were the only ones not carrying armloads of cheap plastic junk and Disney apparel. I'm not sure what I expected, but it was much more over-the-top than I had imagined. Thankfully, it didn't even occur to the kids that I might purchase more than a box of popcorn, so it wasn't an issue. They focused on the show, and they thoroughly enjoyed the performance. I have to admit that it was impressive to see the performers able to skate, dance, and lip sync at the same time. As someone who can barely stand on ice skates, it amazes me!

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