You know those weeks when you check your calendar on Sunday and you wonder what on earth you were thinking when you made the week's commitments? This week was one of those. After hyperventilating and working out logistics with other mamas that share my compulsion to overschedule, we embarked on a whirlwind week.
Monday was our warm up day. Bill and I dropped the kids off at a friend's house, where they did schoolwork as a group. I was amazed to find that the kids actually got all of their work accomplished and had a blast doing so. And the mom in charge survived the eight children in her care and lived to tell about it! In fact, she even let them bake their own cakes (without a recipe) and have a chocolate fest. During the time that this wonderful friend was sacrificing her sanity (and kitchen), Bill and I were free to go on a date! We started off by going fabric shopping for Halloween costumes, then we went to a movie at the Alamo Drafthouse. It was such a lovely day! Then we ended the day with the last of Avery's new member classes for the 4H Dog Club.
On Tuesday, I headed off to work in the morning, leaving Bill to handle school work with the kids. After lunch, I went to a Homeschooling for College seminar, which was both very helpful and very overwhelming. Meanwhile, Bill took the kids to violin. Unfortunately for the disappointed kids, tennis and t-ball were both rained out.
Wednesday began with school work in the morning for the kids and me, while Bill went to the doctor. After lunch, I dropped Avery off at a friend's house for a Mystery Party, in which one overachieving mama plans out a "mystery" for the kids to solve using both logic and science. Since this was an older kid only activity, those of us with youngers met at the discount movie theater to see Wall-E. Afterwards, all the littles (six wild and rowdy boys) came over to play while the mystery was unraveled. Avery spent the night at a friend's house, and Rhys had a friend sleep over here.
On Thursday, Avery went to a water and rafting class with the LCRA at McKinney Roughs. Unfortunately, it was less than successful due to some rowdy kids and blase adults. Meanwhile, Rhys, Griffin, and I played at the park with friends, then took Ollie to the vet and to run some errands. Avery came home late Thursday, and we all piled back in the car to go to the monthly dog club meeting.
Friday began with a flurry of lunch making and readying children (I so would not survive getting my kids off to school every day), then a mad dash to Fencing/Art/Logic classes. After the classes and lunch, we spent the afternoon at park day.
Whew. I'm glad we all survived the week, and I sure hope next week is more sane!