Wow, it's been almost two months since my last blog entry! How on earth did that happen?! I guess I need to try to sum up the last couple of months. That should be really easy, especially considering I can't even remember what happened yesterday!
Let's see...under the category of Big Events: My darling little Rhyscake turned FIVE! I can hardly believe it. We had a super fun but way over-the-top Harry Potter themed birthday party for him. (Avery and I got a little carried away in the planning.) The day after Rhys's fifth birthday was another big milestone -- Bill and my 10 year anniversary! We took a family anniversary trip to Dallas and Fort Worth for a couple of nights. We had fun visiting various museums and hanging out at the hotel pool.
Another noteworthy event was my first night ever away from the kids! I was only gone for 24 hours, but I felt quite refreshed when I returned. I went with four other friends to Dallas (the week after our family trip there) to the
Rethinking Education conference to hear
John Taylor Gatto give the keynote speech. It was such a neat experience. I've been a fan of his ever since I began researching homeschooling, and it was great to see him in person. (We even stormed the stage and got a picture with him!) We had a hard time tearing ourselves away from the conference -- there were so many interesting seminars and great people. I wish we could have stayed! But, alas, lots of children were awaiting our return -- and lots of hubbies that needed to get to work. So we crammed as much conference experience as we could in our short stay.
On the activities front, Rhys just started t-ball again. His team appears to be the worst in the league, and the final scores of the first two games were 18-6 and 18-1. Fortunately, Rhys is totally oblivious to the score keeping, and I'm doing all I can to keep it that way. He is also taking swimming once a week while Avery does her swim team practice (she goes 3-4 times a week). Avery has several friends on the swim team with her, so she is really loving it.
I'm still working on finding the balance between home and work (I think the absence of blog posts can be considered proof). I'm still only working about 8-10 hours a week, but I'm finding that the things that I let go are the extras -- posting, cooking, cleaning. You know, the nonessentials. Ah, well, maybe one day I'll get the balance right....