Wednesday, June 28, 2006
More new words!
At the wee hours of the morning today, Griffin flopped on Bill's pillow and said, "Night, night?" That's the first time he's said it! He also added "peekaboo" and "Avery" to his repetoire this week.
Flip Flopper!
Avery has been working on learning a flip flop for a few months now, but we were so surprised when she called us in her room the other night to show us that she could do it by herself! Apparently she had been working on it in her room alone at bedtime -- eek! Luckily she managed to get it down without a trip to the ER. :-)
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Gymnastics update
Avery is still enjoying being on the Show Team. They haven't had any recent performances, but they've been working very hard to prepare for an upcoming Showcase. Avery is sooooo close to being able to do a flip flop on her own! She can actually do it, but is still a little nervous about it. Once she gets over the mental block, there will be no stopping her!
Also, we found out this week that Avery will be participating in four meets this year! She'll be competing as a Level 3, and they just do short routines and skill sets. They don't give scores, they just give ribbons -- and everyone gets a ribbon. So hopefully it won't be too much pressure for our little perfectionist. She's very excited! I'm excited for her too, but I'm more than a little worried about how I'll handle taking the kids to the meets (including two out-of-town meets) while Bill works. Eeeek!
Also, we found out this week that Avery will be participating in four meets this year! She'll be competing as a Level 3, and they just do short routines and skill sets. They don't give scores, they just give ribbons -- and everyone gets a ribbon. So hopefully it won't be too much pressure for our little perfectionist. She's very excited! I'm excited for her too, but I'm more than a little worried about how I'll handle taking the kids to the meets (including two out-of-town meets) while Bill works. Eeeek!
This is Griffin's new word! I was watching A Baby Story on tv the other day, and he stopped what he was doing, pointed at the tv, and clear as a bell, said "Baby!" I was so surprised! He probably has an entire dictionary full of words in his head, and he's just choosy about when he'll show me what he knows!
Last weekend, Avery and Rhys participated in our cousin Kristin's wedding. Rhys was a ring bearer and Avery was a flower girl. It was a beautiful wedding, and both kids did really well standing up quietly the whole time (although Avery was busy finger-spelling to herself and Rhys was standing between the minister and the couple!). Griffin stayed home with Nonnie, thank goodness. I'm not sure if him climbing on the table or hanging from the rafters would have been well-received. :-)
Rhys loved wearing his tuxedo, but at first he wasn't too pleased with it. When we brought it home and told him that he'd be wearing it to the wedding, he said, "NOOOOO! Where's my "bear" suit??"
Other exciting wedding news: my cousin Elisha is engaged! We're so excited -- Nick is a great guy and will make a wonderful addition to our family.

Rhys loved wearing his tuxedo, but at first he wasn't too pleased with it. When we brought it home and told him that he'd be wearing it to the wedding, he said, "NOOOOO! Where's my "bear" suit??"
Other exciting wedding news: my cousin Elisha is engaged! We're so excited -- Nick is a great guy and will make a wonderful addition to our family.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Part of what has been keeping me busy is my new position volunteering with Family Connections. I am a Parent Educator, working with the Parents of Newborns project. For the past month, I've been training, but I'll be on my own starting next week. My job will be talking to new parents giving them information and providing breastfeeding support. I'm really enjoying it so far!
Mr. Smarty Pants!
Griffin surprises us every day with the things he knows! He still doesn't say a lot, but he understands quite a bit. He knows all of us by name and knows many more words. He can follow simple directions, like "get your shoes" or "go find Avery". He lives to be outside, and yesterday he brought Bill his shoes, got my shoes, then brought me his shoes. After we all put them on, he walked to the front door, pointing outside. We were so surprised at the plan he hatched!
Night Knight
Linah's a graduate!!
We went to Caroline's graduation last week. We're soooooo proud of her!! CONGRATULATIONS, AUNTIE LINAH!!!!
Gymnastics performance
Avery had another gymnastics performance. This one was 30 minutes long. They did their dance, then did a circuit of different events including bars, beam, and floor. The girls all did very well, and the most miraculous part was that Griffin actually fell asleep in Nonnies arms during the performance!

Waco Zoo revisited
I decided on a whim to take the kids to the Waco Zoo again a few weeks ago. I wanted to go while the weather wasn't too hot, and it turned out to be a great day. We really love that zoo. Griffin had a blast, and he barked at every animal he saw -- even the fish! He was so cute toddling around the zoo.

A couple of weeks after his first birthday, Griffin really took off. He skipped most of the toddling, and went straight to running! He is an old pro now!
Griffin's first haircut
A few weeks after his first birthday, I decided to take Griffin for his first haircut. He looked very cute, although it wasn't a pleasant experience! They tried to put him on one of those little motorcycle chairs, but he only sat for about 2 seconds before he decided he wanted OFF. I ended up holding him for most of his haircut, so I only got one sad little picture. But I did take a few "after" pictures.
During the haircut...


And who can resist this picture?
During the haircut...


And who can resist this picture?

It's been almost 2 months since my last blog entry! Did you all think we fell off the face of the earth? Or maybe that I'd finally cracked under the pressure of my brood and was committed to a nearby mental hospital? Well, thankfully, that is not the case. You know the saying that goes something like "never look under the hood of a mechanic's car"? I think it can officially be rewritten as "never try to use a computer guy's wife's computer". *sigh* My computer has been broken since Easter. Yes, Easter. Granted, we have been very busy...but I think the bigger problem is that my work-weary husband didn't want to tackle my piecemeal laptop. At any rate, he is working on it as we speak! So maybe I'll be blogging regularly soon. At a minimum, I'm going to try to hit the highlights of the past two months....
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