I haven't had much time to update the blog recently. Having three kids keeps me hopping! Here's a little summary of what we've been up to....
Well, we're finally getting more mobile again! After a couple of months of sticking close to home a lot of the time, we're finally feeling confident enough to get out more. We've been swimming and playing at the sprinkler park a lot, trying to beat the heat.
We have also been doing lots of home projects. We've spent several of our "weekends" getting our yard in shape, and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself! Bill and I both really enjoy yard work - and the kids would hang out in the front yard on their scooters all day if they had the choice!
We're wrapping up Avery's first year of homeschooling. We still have a few weeks left, since we got a bit derailed at the end of March. Avery is really enjoying studying Greece right now and loves learning about the Greek gods and myths. She and Bill watched The Clash of the Titans recently, and she really got into it. Since then, all of her dolls and stuffed animals have been renamed with names like Apollo, Artemis, and Athena.
Rhys has been busy being nearly three. He has really been pushing his boundaries lately, which is unusual for our easy-going guy. He puts on his selective man-hearing, and pretends to not hear me when I ask him to do something. And recently, he was in trouble for ignoring me, and when I said, "Rhys, look at me!" he squeezed his little eyes shut! I had to try hard to keep from laughing at that one!
I think almost three is a rough age. Rhys has such strong ideas about how he'd like for things to go, and things often don't work out the way he hopes. The other day, he was trying to do a magic trick and make a hat disappear, but when he said, "Abracadabra!" and waved his magic wand, the hat was still there! You can't even imagine the meltdown that ensued. Poor guy!
His favorite past time right now is watching the Mighty Machines construction video that we checked out from the library. He spreads out a box of Lincoln Logs, and pushes the logs around with his bulldozer and dump truck, singing "Mighty Machines! Big and mighty machines!" and watching the show. He also has been enjoying the iPod Bill got for his birthday. I'm not sure Bill has gotten much use of it yet - the kids are always fighting him for it!
Griffin is growing and changing so much every day. He really has an adorable little personality and is quite animated now! He started laughing about a week ago, and it's always fun to see what will strike him as funny. He really loves both his brother and sister, but Avery can always get a smile from him. But Daddy still seems to be the star - he's the one that can always amuse Griffie-Goo.
My personal favorite trick of Griffin's is his ability to sleep at night! It's quite astounding to us, especially compared to Avery and Rhys's sleeping habits as babies. Griffin doesn't seem to have gotten the memo that our babies don't sleep! He's been doing so well. He almost always sleeps at least 6 or 7 hours before he starts waking to eat. A few days ago, he slept 10 hours!! We were shocked - and thrilled! I sure hope he keeps it up. It's nice feeling so well rested with a baby in the house.